Powdery Mildew book

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Powdery Mildew book

Post by gary »

Who doesn't love a powdery mildew?

My friends in Wales have produced a new Powdery mildew book .
Unfortunately I can't seem to attach their flyer as it's a pdf.
Buy it while stocks last or if you're a bit short this month you can download it for free!
Here's the gist of it
“The Powdery Mildews (Erysiphales) of Britain & Ireland: An Identification Guide and
Census Catalogue for Wales” is the latest in an award-winning series of books on phytoparasitic fungi
written by the Welsh Microfungi Group. In 2019 Chater and Woods produced a guide and census catalogue
to the powdery mildews (Erysiphales) of Wales. Since its publication many new records have been made
and almost a hundred new host/powdery mildew associations discovered. The guide has been expanded
with additional authors to include records from England, Scotland and Ireland. The identification guidance
section has been updated in line with recent world literature, and its coverage widened by the inclusion of
more taxa found on the near continent that might occur in Britain and Ireland.
The new guide includes the sections: Introduction to the Powdery Mildews, Conservation, Identification
Guide and Examining Powdery Mildews. These are followed by the Powdery Mildews’ Identification
Catalogue and Census Catalogue of the Powdery Mildews of Britain and Ireland and Vice-counties of Wales
sorted by host and by Powdery Mildew. Using the book and knowing the host species it should be possible
to identify most of the species collected and we hope it will encourage and stimulate more recording of
this group.
The book is in A4 format, spirally bound with a plastic-coated cover and contains 116 pages and over 40
Hardcopies cost £10 inc. p&p directly from Ray Woods, Ty Mawr Mill, Builth Wells, Powys. LD2 3SH.
Email: raygwoods@aol.com
Hard copies will also be available from on-line book suppliers and digital copies can be download free from
https://www.aber.ac.uk/waxcap/downloads ... sBandI.pdf
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