Arthonia epiphyscia

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Glos lichens
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Arthonia epiphyscia

Post by Glos lichens »

Is this OK for Arthonia epiphyscia? I believe it will be a County first for Gloucestershire. Growing on Physcia tenella on wild rose on a Cotswold common.
It fits the description in LGBI3 pretty well, but the overview in FGBI says the spores are hardly constricted, whereas some of these are definitely waisted. There is sometimes a very definite dark belt too, though that is probably just a trick of the optics.
lichenicolous on Physcia tenella - at least, it's discolouring the thallus.
lichenicolous on Physcia tenella - at least, it's discolouring the thallus.
Iodine added to squash in water =>red
Iodine added to squash in water =>red
olivaceous in K
olivaceous in K
section in water
section in water
asci stained K ink vinegar. micron scale
asci stained K ink vinegar. micron scale
waisted spores
waisted spores
dark belt?
dark belt?
asci clavate with large apical dome
asci clavate with large apical dome
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